Specialist Provision (AIS)

Our Specialist Classes for Autistic Pupils

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Learning environment and Curriculum

  • We have two classes dedicated to providing a high quality education for pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • In Flamingo Class our curriculum is tailored to EYFS/Year 1 and in Toucan Class the curriculum is tailored to Year 1/Year 2.
  • We follow the EYFS Framework for Reception children and the National Curriculum for KS1 children. This is delivered via an individualised, adapted and often sensory approach, to enable learning opportunities and access for all.
  • All children are supported at the developmental level that is appropriate for them. Learning is differentiated to meet their individual needs at all times.
  • Children can have inclusion opportunities to access learning activities and events in the mainstream; this is planned on an individual basis, where appropriate.

Teaching and Learning/Assessment

Across our ASD Provision we use a structured approach called TEACCH, which is a visual framework to support achievement of educational and therapeutic goals. This system is based on having a visual classroom with clear expectations for children, which includes:

-Physical organisation

-Individualised timetables

-Work (Activity) systems, eg workstations, in/out trays for learning tasks

-Visual structure of materials in tasks and activities

  • Staff may also use the Picture Exchange System (PECS) with some children to help them with early development of communication, such as making requests and choices.
  • Children in our specialist classes are assessed using a personalised assessment system on Solar, which has been developed alongside the EYFS Development Matters and the National Curriculum Levels. This celebrates and tracks each child’s progress, enabling us to personalise learning and support each child with making both personal and academic progress.
  • Alongside the assessment systems that we use to track and monitor progress, a ‘Personalised Learning Plan’ is written for each child, which measures children’s progress towards their EHCP outcomes.
  • We also record and celebrate all steps of progress – every step is meaningful and deserves full recognition and praise!

Curriculum Enrichment Opportunities

School Trips
Every year we plan for opportunities to take our children out on school trips, to build on those important life skills and to bring our topics and learning to life! Our school trips are linked to our topics or a story theme. Some of our previous school trips have included going to the Churchill Theatre and Fairfield Halls. We also have links with Ravensbourne School, the local allotments and Beckenham Library.

Growing Up and Moving On
In the summer term we enjoy learning about life cycles and living things. Every year we are lucky to be able to watch and experience real life growing cycles, such as frogs, butterflies and chicks! These opportunities are always very memorable and exciting for the children as they are able to see these processes through their very own eyes! The chicks have definitely been a firm favourite experience across the whole school!

Speech and Language

We work with an independent Speech and Language Therapist from Words First. Our speech and language therapist visits our ASD Provision every week to provide therapy, advice and support for the children in each class. Speech and Language recommendations and requirements within EHCPs are built into the curriculum through close joint working with Speech and Language Therapists, staff and families.
Staff and parents are closely involved with external professionals, working together to provide the most appropriate tailored support.

Parent Communication and Involvement

Home/School Contact Books

A method of communication between parents and school, which enables sharing important information and messages to enable effective care and support for all children.

Class Dojo
An online communication tool/app for enhanced communication between home and school. Dojo provides us the opportunity to share stories, photos and information much more effectively.

Parent Forums

An opportunity for parents and carers to come into school, meet with the Teachers, learn about the teaching practice and strategies within the classrooms, but most importantly of all, for parents to meet and talk with each other.

Parent and Professional meetings

Joint working with all relevant professionals and families. Referrals can be made for additional support where necessary.

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

An Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. EHC plans identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs.

Annual Reviews
Provide an opportunity to update information in the plans, consider the impact of current provision and to review children’s progress towards achieving outcomes.

One of the changes within the SEND reforms is that the support in the statutory Education, Health, and Care Plan must contain outcomes instead of objectives. So what is an outcome?

The SEND code of practice states:

EHC plans must specify the outcomes sought for the child or young person. Outcomes in EHC plans should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound).

An outcome can be defined as the benefit or difference made to an individual as a result of an intervention. It should be personal and not expressed from a service perspective; it should be something that those involved have control and influence over.

All children require an Education Health and Care Plan to be considered for a place in our ASD Specialist Provision.  If your child has been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, or is in the process of a diagnosis/EHCP, please contact the Local Authority regarding school placements.

Key SEN Information